beam n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横梁。 2.船幅;(动物、人的)体幅。 3.(秤)杆,杠杆,(织机的)卷轴,经轴;(鹿角的)主干;车辕;犁柄;锄把。 4.(光线的)束,道,柱;【物理学】波束,射束。 5.(笑容、表情等的)焕现。 6.【无线电】有效播听范围。 7.【航空】信号电波,指向电波。 a beam of light 一束光线。 the common beam 标准秤;准则。 beam and scales 天平。 a beam of delight 高兴的表情,笑逐颜开。 an erector beam 【火箭】(发射时调整导弹位置的)千斤顶。 radio beam 无线电领航信号。 a landing beam 【航空】降落指示波。 abaft the beam = before the beam. a beam in one's eye 自己本身的大缺点〔与他人目中之刺相比,自己眼中有梁,源出《圣经》马太福音〕。 before the beam 【航海】正横前。 broad in the beam 〔口语〕臀部阔大。 fly the beam 【航空】按指向电波飞行。 fly the wet beam 【航空】顺着河流飞行。 kick [strike] the beam 1. (秤一方)翘起;过轻,不足抗衡,无足轻重。 2. 输,遭受失败。 off the beam 脱离航向,不顺利;不对头;做错。 on the beam 1. 【航海】与龙骨垂直地,正横地。 2. 在航向上;对头,做对。 on the port [larboard] beam 【航海】左舷正横前。 on the starboard beam 【航海】右舷正横前。 on the weather beam 【航海】迎着正横风。 ride the beam = fly the beam. vi. 1.辐射,发光,闪光。 2.微笑,眉开眼笑。 vt. 1.发射(光线、电波)。 2.向…放[播]送。 3.(用雷达)探测。 4.(用波束)导航(飞机等)。 beam the program at America 向美国播送节目。 the sun beaming overhead 红日当头照。 beam upon 看着…微笑。 beam with joy 眉飞色舞,笑逐颜开。
t beam t 型梁; t 形钢; t型梁; t形梁; t字梁; 丁字梁; 形材(t形钢); 字形梁
Beam - beam deflection effect in beijing electron positron collider 北京正负电子对撞机中的束束作用偏转效应
Beam deflection element 流束偏转型元件
Beam deflection valve 电子束偏转管
Standard test method for beam deflection of " fiberglass " glass - fiber - reinforced thermosetting resin pipe under full bore flow 在满管水流情况下玻璃纤维增强热固树脂管射束偏转的标准试验方法
On the basis of comparing present detection techniques , we propose a new optical beam deflection technique with a single fiber . the correspond fiber sensor has been completed 在比较了已有的各种测试声表面波手段的基础上,提出了基于光偏转技术的单光纤测试法,并设计完成了一套光纤光声传感器。
After broad investigation on this topic , the photo - thermal beam deflection technique ( pbd technique ) was applied on the evaluation of the optical thin films " laser damage by us as our lab ' s advantage 在广泛调研的基础上,结合本实验室自身的优势,提出了应用光热偏转方法来评价光学薄膜的激光损伤。
This method doesn ’ t need beam deflection device and can change the reference beam incidence angle with mechanical movement platform only . and the accuracy of system is not getting lower 这种方法不需要光束偏转器件,只需要机械运动平台,仅通过平台的移动,就可以实现参考光束入射角度的变化,而且寻址的精确性并未降低。
Beam deflection produces boresight error ( bse ) which is defined as angle shift between viewing direction and true direction . boresight error slope ( bses ) is defined as the ratio of angle shift to the tracing angle of the antenna 波束偏移的主要后果是产生瞄准误差,使目标的视在位置与真实位置有一个角度差,这个角度差就是天线罩的瞄准误差。
Radome is designed to protect the antennas from the external environment . however , radome is interfering with the electromagnetic radiation of antenna , which may result in significant degradation of antenna performance , cause transmission attenuation and beam deflection 天线罩在保护天线不受外界影响的同时对天线的电磁辐射产生某些干扰,使天线的电性能降低,引起天线的传输损耗和波束偏移。
The significant characteristics of the new afm include : ( i ) it has a horizontally designed probe unit , and the direction of cantilever ' s weight was perpendicular to the atomic force , thus the effect of cantilever ' s weight on the imaging quality can be effectively avoided ; ( ii ) it owns a particular path of optical beam deflection method for the measurement of cantilever ' s displacement 卧式afm探头系统的显著特色是,微悬臂重力与原子力方向相互垂直,有效地避免了重力对微悬臂及成像质量的影响,从而在设计方法上保证了afm的性能。本文在方法上的另一创新是,发展了独特的微悬臂偏转量的光束偏转法检测系统。